Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Meet Whitney

Hey everyone! I am so grateful that I have been asked by Sarah to post on Wednesdays. My name is Whitney Bennett. I am a wife, and a mother to an adorable little boy. My husband is still in school, so money is tight quite often. I grew up in Seattle, Washington. My parents always taught us the importance of saving money and being prepared for an emergency. There was always food stocked, and had a huge amount of food storage. When I became pregnant with my son, I started getting stressed on how to start stocking up for my family. The best way I have learned to do this is by couponing. I am able to spend the same as I was before, but also be adding so much to my food storage at the same time. I am always trying to save some money and have some great helpful hints for you guys. Come back here every Wednesday for more tips from me on how to stretch your buck even further!


1 comment:

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